my mood taking a dip,
when I noticed there true and proud,
a hair on the top of my lip.
The hair spoke forth, “come on lad,
let’s spend some time together”,
and from that point I was no longer sad,
but as bright as the Canberra weather.
We went for coffee and lamington squares,
and frolicked in the open space,
and soon there were other hairs,
quietly attacking my face.
Before long a party was there,
black, grey and ginger masses,
giving me hope and making me care,
about the world of dirty moustaches.
So I wrote this poem about last year,
and now I want it again,
hooray hooray Movember is here,
And you too can help us men.
The time is now. Please don't stifle our creativity! Give us hope! Please sponsor us by following the instructions on the right... your love is always appreciated.