How quickly does time fly when you have a mo? Well, not very really, especially if you are stuck in itchy tropical humidity and incessant rain. The land of tropical humidity and incessant rain,
Queensland, is clearly the place to be in November. I mean, no daylight saving, wonderfully disappointing Australian cricket performances, box jellyfish, deadly coconuts. You get the drift. But more than all of these drawcards, there is something in the Queensland air that makes a man a man and a butch hairy one at that. So, stuck in a national capital devoid of mo power, the blue sky thinking says ‘go bananas in Queensland...’
Like the stinging trees and killer insects, it turns out the place is swarming with men looking very very manly. More manly than the men in Manly who aren’t very manly at all (hello Selwynator!). A case in point is in the TNS Brisbane office. How lucky have the ladies in this office been for 30 whole days? Even the tropical air seems to have done Jason the world of good this year, though I’m guessing he started in June...

But like the Police Academy series, John Brumby and Vegemite iSnack 2.0, all good things must come to an end. With the twinkly lights and endless adverts featuring Curtis Stone (jeeze I watch far too much TV) signifying Christmas is a-coming, the month of Movember is no more. December brings with it a re-acquaintance with razors, a ritualistic shedding of manliness, a very brief foray into a Hitler moustache and then nothing.

Nothing but joy that it is all over and the thrill of an instant facelift. For you see, it’s not easy carrying a mo and carrying it off with such panache. Trust me, traipsing through a Queensland tropical rainforest with the fierce sun penetrating through the trees, the insects and spider webs hassling your mo, the sweat gathering in its bushiness and forming an enduring itchiness isn’t the most pleasant of experiences. Neither is turning up to speak to total strangers looking like a serial killer the easiest way of engendering comfort and open participation!
(Now for the preachy bit...) The thing is, we make these sacrifices because we like to at least try to make a difference. We want to improve men’s health and combat awareness and the ridiculous prejudices that exist for things like depression. We want to see earlier diagnosis of prostate cancer save more lives. And, just by the by, we quite like giving the women and some of the men of this world something nice to look at for a month.
So if you haven’t given a masculine mo man near you a little token of your appreciation for being so darn handsome for 8.33% of the year, do so now. You can even give to us if you like, all you need to do is go over to the top right of this page and follow the links. It couldn’t be any easier... much easier than living with a mo for a month!
Thanks as ever, your warm hairy friends from around the world.
Like the stinging trees and killer insects, it turns out the place is swarming with men looking very very manly. More manly than the men in Manly who aren’t very manly at all (hello Selwynator!). A case in point is in the TNS Brisbane office. How lucky have the ladies in this office been for 30 whole days? Even the tropical air seems to have done Jason the world of good this year, though I’m guessing he started in June...

But like the Police Academy series, John Brumby and Vegemite iSnack 2.0, all good things must come to an end. With the twinkly lights and endless adverts featuring Curtis Stone (jeeze I watch far too much TV) signifying Christmas is a-coming, the month of Movember is no more. December brings with it a re-acquaintance with razors, a ritualistic shedding of manliness, a very brief foray into a Hitler moustache and then nothing.
Nothing but joy that it is all over and the thrill of an instant facelift. For you see, it’s not easy carrying a mo and carrying it off with such panache. Trust me, traipsing through a Queensland tropical rainforest with the fierce sun penetrating through the trees, the insects and spider webs hassling your mo, the sweat gathering in its bushiness and forming an enduring itchiness isn’t the most pleasant of experiences. Neither is turning up to speak to total strangers looking like a serial killer the easiest way of engendering comfort and open participation!
(Now for the preachy bit...) The thing is, we make these sacrifices because we like to at least try to make a difference. We want to improve men’s health and combat awareness and the ridiculous prejudices that exist for things like depression. We want to see earlier diagnosis of prostate cancer save more lives. And, just by the by, we quite like giving the women and some of the men of this world something nice to look at for a month.
So if you haven’t given a masculine mo man near you a little token of your appreciation for being so darn handsome for 8.33% of the year, do so now. You can even give to us if you like, all you need to do is go over to the top right of this page and follow the links. It couldn’t be any easier... much easier than living with a mo for a month!
Thanks as ever, your warm hairy friends from around the world.