Friday, November 30, 2007

Mo Town

How quickly time flies when you’re having fun. Or when you’re not having fun and just have loads of things going on all over the place to the point that you become slightly deranged! However time flies, it sure flies better when you have the honour of nurturing a big furry caterpillar on your face. Tomorrow Movember is over and we have to return to our normal mundane lives of trips to the supermarket, nights in front of bad TV, datasets and remembering how to use a razor.

Last night we were able to celebrate in all things hairy at the Movember gala party here in our beautiful national capital. Now this was odd. It was just like going to a regular pub, the only difference being the strange men oozing from every corner, eyeing you up and checking out the facial hair. Some people were dressed a bit bizarrely too. For our part, we dressed up as people who are too busy and disorganised to make an effort. Here are some pictures from our night out in Mo Town…

Jason a bit scared of all the butch blokes

Yeah, I so belong here

Selwynator loves it! So do the groupies!

Yeah, whatever...

There's some mutual admiration going on here I reckon

Doing a Kevin...

Where's your mo Alana?

The pressure of carrying a mo has become almost too much to bear...

Remember you can still sponsor us if you like and nudge us towards the $2,000 mark. Plus for those of you out there who like research there is another little poll on the right to keep you happy!

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