It’s been a tough week in which to concentrate on refining our increasingly considerable mo’s. With the impending election, Canberra is a hotbed of activity, buzzing with energy and vigour. Nothing new there I hear you cry, but the prospect of a tight race has the boys rubbing their facial hair, continually pondering the big political issues of the day.

Ben, though rightfully a fan of Mike Kelly and the Eden-MOnaro caterpillar clinging on to his top lip, is undecided. Non-committal. Sit on the fence for fear of upsetting anyone. Soft, you could say. The inner nerd in him makes Ben a bit of a Kevin M07 fan, but he is really concerned about those unions, particularly that scary music that seems to accompany them everywhere they go, throwing desks and chairs about like they own the place. All that stress can’t be good for a mo.

Neil can’t see what all the fuss is about unions, being a big fan of the Union Jack, the Loughborough Student Union circa 1997, the kebabs and spew in the gutter of Union Street, Plymouth and Rugby Union. “Hmm, I think the Aussies got scared of the Rugby Union when they realised they were actually no good at it, and that’s spread.” Being an illegal alien, Neil can’t even vote, so he’s just going to the beach and hoping that there will be more mo representation on the front bench to steer this country to signing the Kymoto protocol, setting targets on facial hair growth until 2020.

Jason is looking for growth. He doesn’t care where it comes from, he just needs to see rapid growth. Maybe some tax breaks for importing testosterone pills from lumberjacks in Alaska. Like Johnny, he’s stretching it out as long as possible in the hope that he can gain ground on those two smug Mo bros, with their fabulous working family friendly facial hair and jocular conversations.
Of course, it doesn’t matter who wins come Saturday, for the real winner is men’s health when you sponsor us. You still have time to make a difference and get that feel good factor… you know what to do. Advance Australia Hair.
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